
Kodi Genesis tips and tricks

Genesis is a great add-on that let’s you stream movies and TV Shows under Kodi, let me share with you some great Genesis tips and tricks.

Disclaimer : streaming movies and TV shows might be illegal in your country, be sure to comply with local laws.

Genesis Subtitles

Did you know that you could enable automatic subtitles in Genesis? Yup! In order to do so, just navigate to the Video Add-ons > Genesis > Tools, this is the where Genesis is configured, and tweaked.


When I talk about Genesis settings, this is the right place, and it looks like the picture below.


Now select the Settings : subtitles line, and configure it to suit your likings.


Share Genesis library across devices

If you are using Kodi on several devices, then you might consider sharing your Genesis library across several devices. This is really easy, let’s do it!

Go to Genesis settings, as explained above.

Then, Library Settings,


and edit the Movies and TV Shows paths in order to use a network location (eg. your NAS), as shown below with before / after picture.

Before change (please note the default path: special://…) :


After change (please note that I am using NFS share on my NAS) :


Highlight Movies folder, hit C on your keyboard (or right click), select “Set content”, and choose the Movies scraper you want to use.

Repeat for the TV Shows folder with the wanted TV Shows scraper.

Now hit the Update folders button, that’s it!

More Genesis tips and tricks

There is even more Genesis tips and tricks, here is a quick list.

Notify of your watching by adding your credentials in Gensis settings as shown below.


Edit source priority in order to use the Auto play feature. Once you have used Genesis a little, you’ll notice that some source are more reliable than some others. Write down the sources that works well for you and increase their priority in the menu shown below.


Feel free to share you own Genesis tips and tricks with us in the comment section of this post.